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Sofia the Feelings Helper

This video from our partners at Sesame Street in Communities is for all children, whether or not they’re seeing a therapist or counselor! Children can learn along with Elmo and Karli to understand the job of “feelings helpers”—professionals who help children (and grown-ups too) when big feelings get too big, too often.

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Emotional Well-Being

Through a slew of new Sesame Street in Communities (SSIC) bilingual , research-based resources and engaging content, trusted adults can help children develop a foundation of essential skills they need to understand and manage their feelings. With a focus on the mind-body connection, SSIC’s latest resources support emotional awareness and understanding, and demonstrate techniques to promote healthy minds and bodies.

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Me Moments

Me Moments are practices students (and adults!) can use to address their needs at any moment in school and at home. Our partners at Alliance for a Healthier Generation have created a virtual hub of Me Moments you can use in classrooms, at day care, or in your home.

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Emotional Well-being for Military and Caregiving Families

The pandemic disruption over the last three years has been challenging for all children and caregivers, with added stressors affecting their emotional well-being. This is especially true for military families and caregiving families who experience additional stress. That’s why our partners at Sesame Street in Communities have created 5 new videos highlighting simple strategies for self-care and emotional well-being that families can watch together.

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