USDA Webinars
USDA's Team Nutrition provides numerous webinar series to further support CACFP providers, sponsoring organizations and State agencies and provide quality training. Practice what you've learned, answer scenario-based questions for a certificate of completion and Continuing Education Credit toward your CACFP Professional Certification.

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Be in the Know!
Team Nutrition's webinar series on implementation of the changes in child nutrition programs.

The webinar provides an overview of the crediting updates resulting from the Request for Information and provides crediting technical assistance with hands-on practice specifically for tempeh and surimi.
Watch On DemandCN Labeling Program: Update for Industry
The webinar will provide an overview of the CN Labeling Program with crediting updates resulting from the Final Rule: Child Nutrition Program Flexibilities for Milk, Whole Grains, and Sodium Requirements and the Request for Information, in addition to crediting technical assistance specifically for the CN Labeling program.
Watch On DemandCrediting Coconut and Vegetable Noodles in CNPs
This webinar provides an overview of the crediting updates resulting from the Request for Information and provides crediting technical assistance with hands-on practice specifically for vegetable noodles and coconut.
Watch On DemandCrediting Popcorn, Hominy, Corn Masa and Masa Harina in CNPs
The webinar provides an overview of the crediting updates resulting from the Request for Information for these foods and provide crediting technical assistance with hands-on practice specifically for Popcorn, Hominy, Corn Masa, and Masa Harina.
Watch On DemandThe webinar provides an overview of the crediting updates resulting from the Request for Information and provides crediting technical assistance with hands-on practice specifically for dried meat products.
Watch On DemandFood Buying Guide
Team Nutrition's webinar series on how to use the Food Buying Guide in child nutrition programs.

Exhibit A Grains Tool to the Rescue!
Learn about the Exhibit A Grains Tool, a feature included with the Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs Interactive Web-Based Tool. The Exhibit A Grains Tool allows you to search for your grain product (as listed on Exhibit A) and enter in the serving size from the product label. The tool then helps you determine: 1) ounce equivalent (oz eq) grains or grains/bread serving(s) for the grain product, and 2) amount to serve to provide your desired grains contribution. In this webinar, Team Nutrition also provided in-depth practice for using the grains tool as well as highlighting the available training video. Participants can also experience the Exhibit A Grains Tool on the Mobile App. Program operators can calculate the grain contributions on-the-go.
Watch On DemandFood Buying Guide Goes Digital
Learn about the new Food Buying Guide (FBG) Mobile App and FBG Interactive Web Tool via a live demonstration! You’ll learn how to utilize the innovative features of these tools including search and navigation, the ability to compare food yield information, and the ability to create a favorite foods list. In addition, speakers from the Nutrition and Technical Assistance Branch, we also highlight an exciting feature of the Interactive Web Tool: the interactive Product Formulation Statement Workbook, which allows manufacturers to easily search and populate selected food items into the workbook, calculate their product’s contribution statement, and generate a certified document that provides crediting information for child nutrition program operators.
Watch On DemandHow to Maximize Exhibit A Grains Tool
Team Nutrition demonstrates the latest enhancements to the Exhibit A Grains Tool. The Exhibit A Grains Tool allows you to search for your grain product as listed on Exhibit A and enter in the serving size from the product label. The tool helps you determine: 1) ounce equivalent (oz eq) grains or grains/bread serving(s) for the grain product, 2) amount to serve to provide your desired grains contribution, and (3) with the new update, the amount to serve for a grain product in order to meet the minimum grains requirement by age/grade groups for specific child nutrition programs. This webinar provides a demonstration and in-depth practice for using the grains tool on the Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs (FBG) Interactive Web-Based Tool. Participants will also experience the Exhibit A Grains Tool on the Mobile App, which allows program operators to determine the grains contribution and the amount to serve on-the-go.
This webinar is also available with Spanish subtitles.
Watch On DemandNavigating the Food Buying Guide Calculator
Learn about FBG Calculator, the new feature included with the Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs Interactive Web-Based Tool. The FBG Calculator is designed to create a shopping list to assist child nutrition program operators when ordering food for their programs. In this webinar, Team Nutrition also provided in-depth practice for using the calculator as well as highlighting the newly released training video. Participants can also experience the FBG Calculator on the FBG Mobile App. Program operators will be able to create and use their shopping list on-the-go.
This webinar is also available with Spanish subtitles.
Watch On DemandTrainers' Circle
These quarterly webinars will focus on tactics and techniques that trainers can use to empower program operators with the knowledge and skills needed to provide high-quality meals and snacks in the CACFP.

A Look Inside the New CACFP Trainer’s Tools: Feeding Infants Kit
This webinar provides an interactive overview of Team Nutrition’s new resource, the CACFP Trainer’s Tools: Feeding Infants Kit. This kit includes a trainer’s guide, presentation slides and trainer notes, videos, and digital interactive games. Hear how these components help trainers deliver information on hot topics like developmental readiness, hunger and fullness signs, handling and storing breastmilk and infant formula, and much more!
Watch On DemandCoaching & Mentoring Using a Peer-to-Peer Model
This training will highlight effective training strategies used by the Kansas State Department of Education and resources from the Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN).
Watch On DemandCreative Online Learning Strategies to Engage Providers
State agency staff from Iowa, Massachusetts, and Nebraska will share experiences in developing and implementing online learning modules.
Watch On DemandDelivering Interactive In-Person Training
This webinar will spotlight interactive approaches used by the Maryland State Department of Education and the Texas Department of Agriculture to actively engage participants during in-person CACFP trainings.
Watch On DemandFamily Style Meal Service with Children in the CACFP
This webinar shows tips for preparing and supporting children, training staff, and meeting CACFP meal pattern requirements to successfully serve meals “family style.” The Nebraska Department of Education also shares how they developed and utilized tools to train child care providers on family style meal service.
Watch On DemandTraining Program Operators to Use Grains Ounce Equivalents
This webinar will help state agencies, CACFP sponsoring organizations, and independent centers provide training on using ounce equivalents instead of “servings” to determine amounts of grains. CACFP operators are required to use ounce equivalents for grains by Oct. 1, 2021 (“Delayed Implementation of Grains Ounce Equivalents in the Child and Adult Care Food Program Final Rule”). Webinar participants will learn about existing training tools and strategies available on grains ounce equivalents. Additionally, Oregon’s Department of Education will share how they used virtual training techniques to provide training for CACFP operators.
Watch On Demand