Bite-Sized Safety: Preventing Choking Hazards ($)

Educational Webinar presented January, 16, 2025
0.5 hour credited CEUs
Children under the age of 4 are at high risk of choking while eating, as they’re still learning to chew properly and often swallow food whole. With their small airways easily blocked, it's crucial to understand the risks posed by certain foods. Learn which foods to avoid or modify to reduce reducing choking hazards, which creates a safer meal time environment.
- Identify common food-related choking hazards and understand the developmental reasons young children are at higher risk of choking.
- Learn effective prevention strategies for minimizing choking risks in everyday situations, including proper food preparation and supervision.
Presented by:
Isabel Ramos-Lebron, MS, RDN, LD, Nutrition Education Specialist, National CACFP Association