NCA Joins Early Childhood Educators at TXAEYC in Frisco, TX

Why Does this Matter?
When two entities focus on a common mission, anything is possible. The National CACFP Sponsors Association (NCA) sees its mission align with the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children (TXAEYC) without a hint of deviation: To ensure those serving children are provided with the resources needed to help them sprout to unimaginable heights. From the efforts of TXAEYC and affiliates, educators across Texas are provided with robust opportunities through programs and services to increase their knowledge base and further their professional expertise in Early Childhood Education (ECE). Educators face enough challenges in the day-to-day, from providing originative curricula meeting the equitable needs of each child, to the requisiteness of attending to children’s fluctuating emotional states. With the uncountable variables associated with educating young children, it’s no wonder that such a pivotal force as TXAEYC has steadfastly established its roots and created a catalog of invaluable educator resources to support the backbone of the nation’s ECE systems. Additionally, since a child’s educational and emotional needs are everchanging, individualized, and meritorious, shouldn’t their nutritional needs be treated as such?
This is where NCA takes hold of its opportunity to work alongside TXAEYC; By providing ECE professionals, centers, and sponsors of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) with training opportunities, resources, and support to create accessible, healthy meals, ensuring that more children have an opportunity to continue to have the stamina for learning. Ultimately, children’s ability to surpass the unimaginable heights previously discussed can only be obtained if their bodies are treated in the same fashion as their education and emotional needs. Together, this is an area where NCA and TXAEYC can continue to work for the betterment of not only children but also for the professionals who help the children grow to those unimaginable heights.
Event Recap
Thank you to all of those who visited NCA at TXAEYC 2024 in Frisco, TX. Additionally, congratulations to our door prize winner, Seamus Hunter of Jungle Palace Childcare, who received a catalog of Farm to CACFP books, goodies, and materials!
Stay tuned for more information on where you can find NCA next!
Not in the Texas area but want to learn more about NCA and the programs it supports? Contact us at