Rural Non-Congregate in the SFSP: Management and Administration Plan and State Administrative Funds
January 22, 2024

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide guidance for state agencies on the interim final rule that established rural non-congregate meal service in summer meal programs that included updated requirements related to SFSP Management and Administration Plans (MAPs). Program regulations at 7 CFR 225.4 require state agencies to annually submit a MAP to their respective FNS regional office (FNSRO) by February 15 of each year. The MAP is a comprehensive description of the state’s management and administrative structure, as well as its funding needs. Once the MAP is reviewed and approved by the FNSRO, the state will receive their SAF. The previous requirements for the MAP remain the same with the interim final rule adding two additional requirements as a result of the Act.Â
Why It MattersÂ
State agencies must properly develop a MAP in order to ensure that they receive the funds necessary to successfully operate the rural non-congregate summer food service program across their state.Â
Additional Summer MAP RequirementsÂ
The rule codified amendments made to Section 13(n)(2) of the NSLA to include additional requirements in the MAP. The first new requirement is that state agencies must provide a plan for ensuring reasonable opportunity for eligible children to access program meals (including both congregate and non-congregate) across all areas of the state, including children residing in remote areas (7 CFR 225.4(d)(9)). The state agency may consider including in their MAP the following information related to this new requirement:Â
- How the state agency will identify and target areas that do not currently have reasonable access to program meals, andÂ
- How the state agency will identify and overcome barriers that limit meal access for children.Â
The second new requirement is that state agencies must include a plan for program delivery in areas that could benefit the most from non-congregate meal service. This includes requirements that the state agency must identify rural areas with no congregate meal service, and target priority areas for non-congregate meal service as outlined in 7 CFR 225.4(d)(10). The state agency may consider including the following information in their MAP related to rural non-congregate meal service operations:Â
- Descriptive statistics such as:Â
- the number of sponsors and sites that will operate rural non-congregate meal service,Â
- the anticipated number of children that will participate in non-congregate meal service, andÂ
- the estimated number of non-congregate meals that will be served.Â
- Details about state rural non-congregate meal service administration, such as:Â
- the meal service flexibilities offered, including any considerations regarding limiting flexibilities on a case-by-case basis to sponsor(s) that do not have the capability to operate or oversee non-congregate meal services at their sites,Â
- the training and technical assistance provided to sponsors, including outreach,Â
- the data collection methods for rural non-congregate meal service data,Â
- methods for monitoring non-congregate meal service operations (including ensuring food safety requirements are met), andÂ
- how the state agency will determine areas with no congregate meal service as outlined in 7 CFR 225.6(a)(2)(ii).Â
Non-Congregate Meal Service Program Integrity MAP InformationÂ
In addition to these two new MAP requirements, the rule codified several safeguards that are critical to maintaining integrity while increasing access to nutritious meals for children in rural areas. Only sponsors that are in good standing, as determined by the state agency, may utilize the non-congregate meal service flexibilities (specifically multi-day meal issuance, parent or guardian meal pick-up, and distribution of bulk food items, as outlined in 7 CFR 225.16(i)). Additionally, state agencies may only prohibit sponsors from using the meal service flexibilities outlined in 7 CFR 225.16(i) on a case-by-case basis if it determines that a sponsor does not have the capability to operate or oversee non-congregate meal service at their sites.Â
Keeping these safeguards in mind, if state agencies implement any statewide requirements and/or operational safeguards to maintain integrity, they should include that information as part of the state agency’s MAP. The MAP should also include other integrity safeguards that the state may be implementing, potentially including (but not limited to) how the state agency will prevent meal duplication in the same area, and how they will ensure claims for non-congregate meals are limited to eligible children.Â
SAF funding provides state agencies with financial resources to administer the SFSP. 7 CFR 225.5(a)(1) contains the formula dictating the minimum amount of SAF each state agency administering SFSP may receive. It also provides the stipulations for receiving funds above the SAF formula amount. Appropriate adjustments in the level of SAF may be made due to anticipated changes in program size from the preceding fiscal year. Projections in program growth must be provided during the MAP approval process. FNS anticipates that states will generally predict program growth with the new rural non-congregate option and encourages states to work with their FNSRO to reflect these projections in the MAP for 2024.Â
The use of SAF monies must be reasonable, allocable, and necessary to the benefit of the SFSP and funds are not transferrable for use in any other child nutrition program. Allowable SFSP costs include personnel employment and benefits, travel and related expenses, supervision and technical assistance to sponsors, and administrative expenses listed in the approved MAP.Â
SAF resources may also be used for the implementation, administration, and expansion of SFSP non-congregate meal service in rural areas, provided such expenses are detailed in the approved MAP.
Examples of allowable expenditures include:Â
- SalariesÂ
- BenefitsÂ
- Travel expensesÂ
- Sponsor trainingÂ
- Technical assistanceÂ
- IT equipment used by state agency employeesÂ
- Reasonable outreach by the state agency, such as a website or media announcement, to ensure the community is aware of SFSP and the new non-congregate optionÂ
Examples of unallowable expenditures include:Â
- Activities not related to the SFSPÂ
- SSO-related costsÂ
- Summer EBT-related costsÂ
- Local-level expensesÂ
- Equipment for use by local sponsorsÂ
- Non-prorated equipment used by other child nutrition programsÂ
Read the full guidance: Rural Non-Congregate in the Summer Food Service Program: Guidance on the Management and Administration Plan and State Administrative Funds (SFSP 05-2024). Also read Appendix 1 – MAP Requirements for Summer 2024 and Beyond.Â