2023 National Child Nutrition Conference Receives 21 Hours of Approved Credits from Commission on Dietetic Registration
March 27, 2023

Attendees of the 2023 National Child Nutrition Conference can now earn up to 21 hours of accredited Continuing Professional Education Units (CPEUs) from the Commission on Dietetic Registration. They can also earn up to 12 extra hours of CPEUs by adding on preconference and postconference academies.
Why is this important?
A registered dietitian needs 75 CPEUs completed every five years. By attending the National Child Nutrition Conference, you can earn over a third of those credits over the course of five days.
What about other CEUs?
Attending the conference onsite provides the opportunity to earn 32+ hours of Continuing Education, while virtual attendees can earn up to 17 CEUs. These can be applied towards our Certification Program. Many other programs that require continuing education also accept the training from the conference, but you will need to confirm with those programs.
Here are the sessions that have been accredited by the Commission on Dietetic Registration:
Monday, April 10:
- CACFP 101: Homes and Centers (Preconference Academy)
- The New Normal in Head Start (Preconference Academy)
- Summer Food: Planning, Participation, Policy & Partnering for Success (Preconference Academy)
Tuesday, April 11
- Workshops Session One
- Accommodating Participants with Disabilities in Community Meals
- Active Play to Combat Obesity
- Beginner's Guide to Crediting Recipes in the CACFP
- Best Practices in Garden to Early Childhood
- A Fresh Take on Water in the CACFP
- Healthy Habits Count
- Impacts of Afterschool Meals
- Teaming Up to Raise a Generation of Veggie Lovers
- Transform Mealtime into a Meaningful Learning Experience
- Menu Planning for the CACFP (Preconference Academy)
- CACFP Creditable Resources
- National Child Nutrition Conference General Session
Wednesday, April 12
- USDA CACFP Policy Update
- Building Healthy Bodies with the Foods We Serve
- Workshops Session Two
- Advancing Indigenous Health Equity and Food Security
- Beyond Beginners: Crediting Recipes for Centers
- Building, Funding and Sustaining Farm to ECE Programs
- Civil Rights 101: Compliance with Civil Rights Requirements
- The Ecological Approach to Family Style
- Community Wellness Hubs: Partnerships to Support Child Nutrition
- Embracing Diversity in Your Summer Meal Program
- Encouraging a Growth Mindset Around Child Nutrition
- Navigating Special Diets
- Nutrition and Impacts on Brain Development
- USDA National Breastfeeding Campaign
- Workshops Session Three
- Addressing Feeding Concerns & Nutrition Therapy
- Crediting Basics and Beyond in the CACFP
- Establishing Equitable Food Systems Through Procurement
- Innovative Strategies to Connect CACFP and Farm to ECE
- Reconstructing Traditional Hispanic Meals for a Healthy Menu
- Utilizing Cycle Menus in the CACFP
- Workshops Session Four
- Avoid Processed Food: A Nutrition Sound Bite or a Sound Nutrition Bite?
- Breastfeeding at CACFP Sites
- Fuel Your Mind & Body: Menu Planning, Nutrition & Activities
- Increasing Healthy Eating Through Family Engagement with SFSP & CACFP
- Inviting All Voices: Developing Equitable Policy and Practices
- Keeping It Cool with Summer Food
- Tailoring Menus to Accommodate Special Diets
- Workshops Session Five
- Ask Us Anything About Food as Medicine
- Farm to Classroom: Teaching Children About Healthy Foods
- Make Every Bite Count with the Dietary Guidelines
- Mastering Milk Requirements in the CACFP
- On-Trend CACFP Recipes
- Put Your State on the Plate with Local Foods
- Reaching Rural and Tribal Communities
- Standardizing Your Own Recipes
- Shop Talks
- Bento Box Meals for Children in the SFSP
- Farm to CACFP
Thursday, April 13
- USDA's Actions to Promote Nutrition Security
- Happy and Healthy with Sesame Street in Communities
- Workshops Session Six
- Body Positivity and Cultivating Good Relationships with Food
- The CICN Presents an Exploration of Flavor
- Ideas and Strategies to Make Mealtimes More Enjoyable
- Impacts of Sodium: Shaping Healthy Food Preferences
- Promoting Nutrition with Culinary Arts Fairs
- A Rainbow a Week: Embracing Our Meal Patterns
- Serving Summer Meals Where the Kids Are
- Workshops Session Seven
- Beyond Beans: A Guide to Plant-Based Menus
- Clean, Separate, Cook, Chill: Food Safety in Child Care
- Decolonizing Nutrition
- Finding and Meeting Community Needs Through Porch Visits
- Head Start Nutrition Services Are a Health Equity Intervention
- Menu Planning to Meet CACFP Meal Pattern Requirements
- No Kitchen? No Problem! Serving Meals from the Cupboard
- Storytelling to Promote Healthy Eating Habits
- Wheat2School: A Farm to School Partnership Program
- Workshops Session Eight
- Connecting Nutrition with Family Engagement
- Creating a Food Culture in Young Children
- Farm to Early Care & Education in the CACFP
- More Fruits & Veggies, Less Waste
- More on Meal Patterns
- Never Fear, Help with Crediting Grains is Here!
- Supporting the Front Line in the Fight Against Rural Child Hunger
- Workshops Session Nine
- Advanced CACFP Meal Patterns
- CACFP and Head Start Food Service Regulations
- Communicating Special Diet Needs
- Delicious Ways to Maximize Snack Time Nutrition
- Diversity and Inclusion in Early Education
- Exploring the Value of Mobile Produce Markets
- Nutrition Education Beyond the Classroom
- Workshops Session Ten
- Civil Rights Compliance and Special Diets in the CACFP
- Culinary Basics: Weighing and Measuring Accurately
- Gardening Activities for Every Classroom
- Get the Facts! CN Labels and Product Formulation Statements (PFS)
- Hydration Station: Choosing Water
- Identifying Whole Grain-Rich
- Little Books for Little Cooks
- Nourishing the Next Generation
- Strategies to Address Food Insecurity in ECE Settings
- Turnip-the-Beet on Your Summer Meals Program
Friday, April 14
- CACFP Meal Pattern Training (Postconference Academy)
- Happy Mealtimes in Child Care Settings (Postconference Academy)
- Meal Service in a Snap! (Postconference Academy)
- Medical Statements, Milk Substitutions and Special Diets (Postconference Academy)
- Strategies for Effective Time Management in the Kitchen (Postconference Academy)