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Guide for Healthy School Celebrations

Alliance for a Healthier Generation

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Honoring special occasions with students and staff is an important part of building community within a classroom. But have you ever stopped to think about how many celebrations occur during the school year?  From birthdays to holidays, these events can add up quickly. It's important to make sure that your celebrations reflect the same healthy messages you promote elsewhere throughout the school day.

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In fact, school celebrations can be an opportunity to reinforce messages about good nutrition and health when they include healthy foods and beverages and provide opportunities for kids to dance, play games and engage in sports. This free printable Guide on Celebrations that Support Child Health from Alliance for a Healthier Generation has tons of resources and ideas on how to make it happen.

Some of our favorite suggestions include using non-food rewards, such as stickers, rulers, bookmarks, etc, in lieu of sweet treats, and swapping in plenty of healthy party food. Think more fruit kabobs and nut butters and less cookies and cupcakes. This resource is packed full of actionable ideas, from creating a school wellness policy to surveying staff and students for ideas. Download it to make a healthy change today.