Activity Inspiration: Superhero Toss
This superhero activity is the perfect solution for a rainy weather day. It’s a fun, high-energy game that doesn’t require much space or setup. Give it a try the next time you need an indoor exercise option. We think you’ll love it!
How to play
Create two lines parallel, an appropriate distance apart. Place buckets labeled with exercises on one of the lines. The children will stand on the other line. They will take turns throwing bean bags into the buckets. If they land a bean bag, everyone freezes and does that exercise! Labels might include: 10 superhero leaps, 5 spins, 3 Superman punch in the air jumps, Stomp like the Hulk for 10 seconds, throw webs in the air like Spider-Man, etc.
Extend the fun
Are your participants superhero fanatics? Get even more mileage out of this activity with a song and a craft.
I’m a Superhero (Tune of London Bridge)
I’m a superhero
I’m a superhero
Watch what I can do!
After each round, call out a child’s name so they can tell you and act out what their superpower is!
Level up this fun activity even more by making superhero capes! Using old t-shirts, cut the front and sleeves off the shirt leaving only the neck and back. Allow the children to decorate with fabric paint. Once they are dry, they are ready to fly wearing their individual capes!
We’d love photos and updates of your little heroes having a wonderful time! Email them to us at or reach out on social media @NationalCACFP.