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Partner Resource: Everyday Moments Activity Cards

Sesame Street in Communities


Keeping kids busy, engaged, and learning throughout the day can be hard work! These Everyday Brain Builders Cards from Sesame Street in Communities offer easy ways to build children’s brains during activities you’re already doing and to make routines more exciting, educational, and enjoyable for both of you. Parents and other caregivers can share cards and talk about activities that they’ve tried with kids at home and at childcare, to help build on children’s learning and interests.

About these child development activity cards:

This digital deck of cards is optimized for mobile devices, but desktop users can enjoy them too. The cards are broken down by age group: 0 to 1, 2 to 3, and 4 to 5. Each card has a front and a back, with the front identifying the category of everyday moments (for example, going to the store or cleaning up), and the back identifying age-appropriate ways to use those moments to development young minds.

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