CACFP Related Q&A

CACFP Q&A Policy SummaryÂ
On January 5, 2021, USDA released a Q&A that included questions directly referencing CACFP. Here is a quick summary; for full guidance read USDA MEMO SP 05-2021, CACFP 04-2021, SFSP 04-2021.
1. Can a Child Nutrition operator donate leftover food or milk to a CACFP day care home provider?
Yes, if the CACFP day care home provider has 501(c)(3) status, they are eligible to receive donations from other Child Nutrition Program operators.
2. How can CACFP at-risk centers track attendance to claim reimbursement for meals and snacks served to children participating virtually?
At-risk centers approved to participate under the COVID-19 waivers continue to maintain attendance records, as required under 7 CFR 226.17(a)(o)(1). This includes daily attendance rosters, sign-in sheets, or with State agency approval, other methods that result in accurate recording of daily attendance. For example, if it would result in accurate recording of daily attendance, the State agency may approve documentation of meal pick-up or meal delivery as a record of a child’s attendance. The State agency should work with at-risk centers and sponsors to develop appropriate methods to document attendance and conform with the program’s COVID-19 safety policies.
3. Do stimulus payments or the weekly unemployment insurance payments provided through the CARES Act and Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 count as income when determining eligibility for the Child Nutrition Programs?
COVID-related stimulus payments do not count as income for determining free and reduced-price eligibility or eligibility for tier I reimbursement for CACFP. However, the weekly COVID-related supplemental unemployment benefits provided through the CARES Act does count as income for means-tested benefits, including free and reduced-price meals.
4. May Child Nutrition Program operators that have received a loan through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), made available through the Small Business Administration and qualified lending partners, use SFSP or CACFP Program funds received from the State (Child Nutrition Program Federal funds) to pay back a PPP loan?
Under certain circumstances, a PPP loan may be forgiven.
• If the PPP loan is forgiven: Any Child Nutrition Program expenses paid for using those forgiven PPP funds may not be claimed using Child Nutrition Program funds since they have already been paid with another source of Federal funding.
• If the PPP loan is not forgiven: Child Nutrition Program funds may only be used to repay that portion of the loan which was used to cover allowable Child Nutrition Program expenses.
Interest due in connection with a PPP or other loan repayment is not an allowable cost.