Conducting Five-Day Reconciliation
April 4, 2018

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) released a new memo to clarify the procedure and purpose in conducting five-day reconciliations in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) during monitoring visits. This memo contains revised guidance to eliminate disparities and reduce duplication in the review process by acknowledging state flexibilities and local choices as well as recognize the role of technology in streamlining data.
- Designed to be simple. Consistency of enrollment, attendance, and meal count for a five-day period (except in outside-school-hours care centers, At-Risk Afterschool, and Emergency Shelters where enrollment forms are not required).
- Process for centers and homes the same.
- Use aggregate data, not individual data.
- No need to cite licensed capacity because it is already included in onsite reviews.
- Meals should not be disallowed if there is a reasonable explanation for inconsistency.
- Not designed for daily comparison or verifications.
- Recognize the role electronic resources can play. No need to verify both electronically and in a 5-day reconciliation.
- Recognize overlap. If your State Agency already requires evaluation of enrollment, attendance, and meal counts for the entire claim period, there is no need for another check via reconciliation.
- Recommends States create written procedures to both streamline and ensure consistency.
Please reference the extensive Q&A included in the full-text memo for further clarification.
Why It Matters
We must always strive to balance program integrity and reduce paperwork burdens to build the best program possible for the children we serve and those who care for them daily. By recognizing overlap, clarifying the reconciliation process, and continuing to exchange ideas and collaborate, we can increase the effectiveness and reach of our programs. Together, we can take another step towards eradicating food insecurity for every child.
For more information, check out Conducting Five-Day Reconciliation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program, with Questions and Answers (CACFP 10-2018).