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Crediting Tofu and Soy Products

August 8, 2016



Beginning October 1, 2017, childcare centers and homes will be able to credit commercially prepared tofu and soy yogurt products as a meat/meat alternate component. 2.2 ounces (1/4 cup) of commercially prepared tofu, containing at least 5 grams of protein, is creditable as 1.0-ounce equivalent meat alternate. Soy yogurt products measure ½ cup (4.0 fluid ounces) as creditable to 1.0-ounce equivalent meat alternate. It is important to differentiate types of tofu for crediting. Firm, or extra firm tofu, found in many dishes from stir fry to omelets, count. Soft or silken tofu varieties, commonly added to smoothies and baked desserts, will not count.

Why It Matters

With the inclusion of meat alternatives to the CACFP, we are able to diversify our menus, increasingly offer culturally appropriate and traditional meals, and ultimately bolster the nutritional offerings for countless children we serve.

For more information, check out Crediting Tofu and Soy Yogurt Products in the School Meal Programs and the Child and Adult Care Food Program(CACFP 21-2016).